Sunday, December 1, 2013

A linkage can be made between this video and 'Connecting Visual Literacy and Metaliteracy' MOOC talk 4. This video above shows an extract from her book 'Techno biophilia, Nature and Cyberspace' where the description made of nature through visual interpretations sets a connection of understanding the desired intention with what has to be displayed. How imagery can help guide a mind from complexity. Informative visualization can be drawn from images and images of nature perfects this concept. Using nature as a wallpaper or screensaver can be seen as an enticement to the mind. It triggers the person into wanting to do nature-related things. The slightest comfort can be made by looking out of the window.  For the most part, beauty in nature is usually preferred over artificial beauty.  A sense of relaxation, relieving from stress.

This article is very interesting to me. It is pretty accurate how people are attracted to beautiful things. Yet again, what distinguishes beauty and ugliness? Its all a perception. Just how technobiophilia makes us believe in the relationship we have built between technology and nature.

One area of support for our innate affiliation with nature comes from research demonstrating increased psychological well-being upon exposure to natural features and environments. -Journal of Happiness Studies
Volume 1Issue 3pp 293-322

Support develops from the strength and prevalence of phobic responses to stimuli of evolutionary importance and absence of such responses to potentially dangerous human-made stimuli. That survival emotions of equivalent intensity can be explained by the extremely rapid process of change and progress that has occurred. Given that our modern ways of living, as prescribed by Western industrialized culture, stand in stark contrast to our evolutionary history, it is proposed that we may currently be witnessing the beginnings of significant adverse outcomes for the human psyche.

Rediscovering Nature in Technology

Tech: Nature Literacy: Technobiophilia

Our human existence is the interaction between nature and technology. What is being presented to us vs what is being invented by us. To why it is in our human nature to have this uncontainable desire to link ourselves back to nature can be seen thoroughly analyzed in this MOOC talk. 

Firstly, I am thrilled to have my question answered by Sue Thomas.  The intention behind my questioning (Can biophilia really get all the nature we need from the digital world or its just a way of tricking us to feel content with the nature we are really missing out from?) is pretty well answered.  For nature loving people, it is an automatic response that technology's creation of nature doesn't replace the real sight of nature.  For those who are introverted and are computer nerds, spending more time indoors than valuing what nature has to offer might have a different opinion on this. In the end, it all comes down to a person's preference and how one signifies their meaning of life.

Going back to the overall topic, technobiophilia is being explained in the MOOC talk as the innate tendency to focus on life and lifelike processes as they appear in technology. With this concept, nature imaginary and humanistic threats through the portrayal of technology can count for creating an environment in the cyber world in order to meet human's adaptation.  This is very important when viewed that our sense of mental comfort is 'programmed' to seek nature. 
'The powerful desire to somehow merge with machine' (Thomas, 2013).

Through generational high-tech developments, replacements are repeatedly being made to improve our standard of living. However, in one perspective(that of religion) where the creation of man through Adam and Eve and the tree of life, is the core purpose of why we humans are naturally attracted to nature even through how much we've grown (in terms of developing a civilization). Our origin and where we come from.